Tribute to Lemmy Kilmister of the Band “Motörhead” . CG Animation by Simon Wanner This project was created in the course of the university lecture…
Tribute to Lemmy Kilmister of the Band “Motörhead” . CG Animation by Simon Wanner This project was created in the course of the university lecture…
Naum Gabo – Fritz Winter. 1930−1940 Ausstellung und Katalog: Hubertus Gassner und Cathrin Klingsöhr-Leroy. Ausstellungskatalog Museum Folkwang, Essen, Stiftung Moritzburg, 29.11.2003−13.6.2004. München / Ostfildern 2003,…
History Traveller – 3D AR Tourist Guide This project was created as the Master Thesis of Simon Pfaab at Munich Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) | Media Informatics…
#i4c Symposium 2016 . HFF Munich #transmediaday #MRDay #Animationday