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Carpentry VR – Virtual Reality Carpentry Sim Game Concept

Carpentry VR is a Sim Game by Benedikt Reschberger and Martin Hering. It is situated in a virtual reality carpentry workshop.

Following interaction techniques for Virtual Reality were in the focus of this game concept. Especially for this game we developed a few new and innovative tools:

– a real-time-pen to draw on any virtual object
– a real-time cut-and-slice tool and
– a hammer-tool for driving nails into a virtual piece of wood.

In a final bonus level you can relax from exhausting carpentry work by using a light saber slicing up some 3D-objects.

This project was created at “Open Games Workshop” directed by Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Höhl at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) Munich | Media Informatics . Winter term 2016/2017.

Kindly supported by Innoactive GmbH., Munich, Germany | Daniel Seidl, Evangelos Angelidis, Roman Rolnik and Thomas Wimmer

Watch our video on YouTube

Wolfgang Höhl (2009): Interactive Environments with Open-Source Software
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