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Max Bill . 1908 – 1994

264_500_977_e1901c8e80Max Bill: Das absolute Augenmaß, a documentary movie by Erich Schmid, Switzerland 2008
85 Min. + Bonusmaterial, DVD, Colour, Dolby Digital, PAL, german original version, Subtitles:
dt./engl./fr., Edition Salzgeber, ISBN 4040592003313, € 24,99

Broadcasted by SRF on sunday, 2014-12-14, 11:55 | SRF 1 (and follow-ups)

Max Bill . residence and studio . a guided tour.

Radio feature by René Spitz | WDR on the biography of Max Bill by Angela Thomas

Hartmut Seeger (2008): Analog_- Konkret . Homage to the 100 anniversary of Max Bill, German Edition, Stuttgart University.

Oil on canvas . Max Bill 1942

Der Todestag des Designers, Künstlers und Architekten Max Bill, Ein Beitrag von Jörg Biesler (WDR), in: Zeitzeichen | 2014-12-09, 20:15

Max Bill . 1908 – 1994 | Portrait
Residence and Studio . Zumikon near Zürich | 1967

Max Bill: Das absolute Augenmaß, in: DETAIL No. 11 / 2009

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