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New contributions for Conferences

CG Mixed Reality Architectural Workspace

Solar Simulation, virtual Prototyping and virtual 3D-Walk-Through for Single Familiy Detached Houses using Unity in a Kommerz MRI Framework

Two recent conference contributions in co-operation between the Masters Course Architecture (ARC) and the ResearchLab | Media&Design at FH JOANNEUM University of Applied Sciences to CORP 2013 and UDay XI.121024_WalkThrough_01
Design your home in realtime 3D! A recent research paper in co-operation of the Masters Course Architecture (ARC) and the ResearchLab | Media&Design at the Masters Course Media and Interaction Design (MID) at the FH JOANNEUM University of Applied Sciences deals with the implementation of a Computer Generated Mixed Reality Architectural Workspace. New is the total integration of the realtime engine Unity in an interactive mixed-reality interface for building design and simulation.

This paper was accepted by the reviewer committes of the 18th International Conference on Urban Planning and Regional Development in the Information Society . CORP | GeoMultimedia 2013 and at UDay XI of the FH Vorarlberg – University of Applied Science.

Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Behmel and Prof. Arch. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Höhl will report on this topic on May 20th – 22nd in Rome / Italy und on June 14th in Dornbirn / Austria

Further Information:

Haslerhaus GmbH & Co KG, A-8762 Oberzeiring / Katzling 4


BILLINGHURST, M. and HENRYSSON, Anders: (2009): Mobile Architectural Augmented Reality, in: WANG, X. and SCHNABEL, M.A. (2009): Mixed Reality in Architecture, Design and Construction, Springer Science + Business Media, University of Sydney, p. 93 – 104

CHEN, Jian (2011): A Hybrid Direct Visual Editing Method for Architectural Massing Study in Virtual Environments,  in: WANG, X. and TSAI, J.J.-H.(2011): Collaborative Design in Virtual Environments, Springer Science + Business Media B.V., S. 131 – 140.

DAVE, Bharat (2011): Spaces of Design Collaboration,  in: WANG, X. and TSAI, J.J.-H.(2011): Collaborative Design in Virtual Environments, Springer Science + Business Media B.V., S. 143 – 151.

HÖHL, Wolfgang (2012): Netzwerktheorie und Prozeßoptimierung, in: Business + Innovation 02/2012, Steinbeis Executive Magazine, Springer Gabler Verlag, Wiesbaden, S. 24 – 32

HÖHL, Wolfgang und ZEILE, Peter (2009): Die ‚Innere Logik’ der Form – Neues vom Design Modelling Symposium 2009, in: db – deutsche bauzeitung 12/2009, Leinfelden-Echterdingen, S. 76 – 78

HÖHL, Wolfgang (2009): Generative Solar Design – Lichträume, Schattenkörper und Sonnenstandssimulation, in:  Computer Spezial 2/2009, Bauverlag BV GmbH., Gütersloh 2009, S. 13 – 19 und in: FORUM PLANEN 11 / Juni 09,  Österreichischer Wirtschaftsverlag, Wien, S. 9 – 11

HÖHL, Wolfgang (2009a): Interaktive Ambiente mit Open-Source-Software, 3D-Walk-Throughs und Augmented Reality für Architekten mit Blender 2.43, DART 3.0 und ARToolKit 2.72, SpringerWienNewYork

KÜNZ, Andreas, DONTSCHEWA, Miglena und WEBER, H. (2007): Low-Cost-Interaktivität für 3D-Computeranimation mit Computerspiel-Engines. In G. Kempter & M. Dontschewa (Hrsg.). Informieren mit Computeranimation, 134-138. Lengerich: Pabst

MAHER, Mary Lou (2011): Designers and Collaborative Virtual Environments,  in: WANG, X. and TSAI, J.J.-H.(2011): Collaborative Design in Virtual Environments, Springer Science + Business Media B.V., S. 3 – 15.

PEÑA-MORA, Feniosky, GOLPARVAR-FARD, Mani, AZIZ, Zeeshan, ROH, Seungjun (2011): Design Coordination and Progress Monitoring during the Construction Phase,  in: WANG, X. and TSAI, J.J.-H.(2011): Collaborative Design in Virtual Environments, Springer Science + Business Media B.V., S. 89 – 99.

PONTO, Kevin, DOERR, Kai, WYPYCH, Tom, KOOKER, John, KUESTER, Falko (2011): CGLXTouch: A multi-user multi-touch approach for ultra-high-resolution collaborative workspaces, Graphics, Visualization and Virtual Reality Lab (GRAVITY), University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093-0436, USA

REN, Aizhu and TANG, Fangqin (2011): Modeling of Buildings for Collaborative Design in a Virtual Environment, in: WANG, X. and TSAI, J.J.-H.(2011): Collaborative Design in Virtual Environments, Springer Science + Business Media B.V., S. 153 – 165.

TIZANI, Walid (2011): Collaborative Design in Virtual Environments at Conceptual Stage,  in: WANG, X. and TSAI, J.J.-H.(2011): Collaborative Design in Virtual Environments, Springer Science + Business Media B.V., S. 67 – 76.

YABUKI, Nobuyoshi (2011): Impact of Collaborative Virtual Environments on Design Process,  in: WANG, X. and TSAI, J.J.-H.(2011): Collaborative Design in Virtual Environments, Springer Science + Business Media B.V., S. 103 – 110.

YI-LUEN DO, Ellen (2011): Sketch that Scene for me and meet me in Cyberspace, in: WANG, X. and TSAI, J.J.-H.(2011): Collaborative Design in Virtual Environments, Springer Science + Business Media B.V., S. 121 – 130.

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