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Reconstruction of a 15th century ebony turning lathe


Digital 3D reconstruction of the ebony turning lathe from the bavarian elector Max Emanuel in the 15th century – setting, function and results.

Developed by Luisa Wurm, Katharina Winkler and Yixin Shou in the course of the masters lecture “Practical Course 3D-Modeling” directed by Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Höhl in winter term 2013/2014 at Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU), Department for Informatics | Media Informatics Group, Prof. Dr. Heinrich Hußmann, Prof. Dr. Andreas Butz

Watch the movie on youtube or on the LMU Media Informatics Blog

In co-operation with Bayerisches Nationalmuseum, Munich, Hans-Jörg Ranz, Head of the refurbishment workshop, studio for arts and crafts and Dipl.-Restaurator Alexander Grillparzer.


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