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Switchable Nanoparticles . Nominated for ACGA 2016

Switchable Nanoparticles . CG Animation by Anna Rieder, Katharina Vierheilig, Korbinian Lipp and Matthias Lamm was nominated for ACGA 2016 | Best Foreign Production

This project was created in the course of the lecture “Practical Course 3D Modeling with Blender” directed by Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Höhl at Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) Munich | Media Informatics Groups . Summer term 2013

Kindly supported by Bettina Kracke | Munich University of Technology, Molecular & Cellular Biophysics, Prof. Dr. Thorsten Hugel (today at Freiburg University, Institute of Physical Chemistry II)

B. Kracke, J. T. Cole, C. J. O. Kaiser, B. Hellenkamp, S. Krysiak, A. Ghoorchian, G. B. Braun, N. B. Holland, T. Hugel (2015) Thermoswitchable Nanoparticles Based on Elastin-like Polypeptides. Macromolecules 48, 5868-5877 (DOI: 10.1021/acs.macromol.5b00932)


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