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Tag: artbooklovers

“Ten photographs from three series” reached IPA 2023 official selection

My recent publication “Ten photographs from three series” reached IPA 2023 official selection at International Photography Awards. Visit the IPA winners website here. This book…

Wirklichkeiten | Realities . Kunstausstellung | Art Exhibition . May 1st – June 30th, 2023

Wirklichkeiten | Realities . Kunstausstellung | Art ExhibitionMai 2023 – 30. Juni 2023 | May 1st – June 30th, 2023 Sitzungssaal im Rathaus . Bahnhofstraße…

Kαιρός – triptych submitted to Luxembourg Art Prize

Kαιρός – triptych submitted to Luxembourg Art Prize 2020 The three images of the Kαιρός – triptych were previously published in:Wolfgang Höhl (2020): [kaɪ̯’rɔs] kairos…