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Category: Publications

What kind of digital society do we want to live in? “COVID-19 and digital transformation” was published at F1000 Research

What kind of digital society do we want to live in? “COVID-19 and digital transformation” was published at F1000 Research .

“Wayfinding in Museums” using 3D Virtual Reality Settings is now available at IEEE Xplore

Wolfgang Höhl, Farzam Kharvari and Gudrun Klinker: Wayfinding in Museums: A Cross-sectional Comparison Between 3D Serious Games and 2D Drawings as Tools for Participatory Design…

Ideal Architecture is Utopia – Selected Publication in “Deutsches Architektenblatt” 10/2020.

Ideal Architecture is Utopia It never leaves the space of image and text. Only there is it alive and present for a fleeting moment. “Ou-topos”,…

Official Survey Data and Virtual Worlds . Early Access Version available at Big Data and Cognitive Computing (BDCC) – Open Access Journal

Official Survey Data and Virtual Worlds Case report on designing an open source production pipeline for xR-applications in small and medium-sized enterprises Early access version…

Summer Reading . Out now! | Wolfgang Höhl: [kaɪ̯’rɔs] kairos | kαιρός . Linoldrucke und Collagen . Linocuts and Collages | 2019 – 2020

Kαιρός – Linocuts and Collages The artworks shown in this publication deal with chance in the production of art and the unique, irretrievable moment in…