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Don´t look at me! Gaze based Survival Horror Game using Unity3D

Screenshot4 Screenshot3 Screenshot2Don´t look at me! . Gaze based interactive Survival Horror Game using Unity3D by Inga Brehm, Benjamin Eder, Jens Fakesch, Christian Guerrero, Xaver Loeffelholz, Mai-Anh Nguyen, Bianka Roppelt

Gaze based interaction enables the player to interact with game objects only using his eyes (twinkle, closing eyes or focus objects). The story of the game is step-by-step discovered by the player him or herself.

This project was created in the course of the university lecture “Open Games Workshop” directed by Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Höhl at Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) Munich | Media Informatics Groups . Summer term 2015

Kindly supported by Martin Dechant and Thomas Jablonski | Sensomotoric Instruments (SMI).


  1. who who 2015-12-11

    … cool! Danke! Viele Grüße, who

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