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History Traveller – 3D Augmented Reality Tourist Guide

160131_00-HistoryTraveller_01 160131_10-LiveTour02_01History Traveller – 3D AR Tourist Guide

This project was created as the Master Thesis of Simon Pfaab at Munich Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) | Media Informatics Groups advised by Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Höhl . Winter term 2015/2016.

Kindly supported by Matthias Greiner | Metaio GmbH. und Dr.-Ing. Marc Grellert | Technische Universität Darmstadt.

3D model data template of the former main synagogue: Technische Universität Darmstadt, Digital Design Unit

Watch our video on YouTube!

Wolfgang Höhl (2009): Interactive Environments with Open-Source Software
Now available at
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